Nakamichi SX - 1978 - US

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Nakamichi SX - 1978 - JP

Ferricobalt formulation as per Nakamichi. Setting: Type II, 70μs.

TDK produced cassettes for Nakamichi, and everything visually about this run indicates it was indeed manufactured by TDK. Being an OEM TDK tape, this would very likely be their famous SA formulation for the time. If anyone has actual information about what TDK tape formulation was used in these Nakamichi SX tapes, please share it with us and we will share it here for the benefit of everyone. Thank you.

NOTE 1: #101. Only one available. The wrapper is brittle and split in many places (see pics). It was repaired with good clear adhesive tape, with no finger prints on any of it. If the preservation of the original wrapper is of significant importance to you, an extra plastic outer shell was added to this tape for this purpose. See the pictures of these plastic shells at the bottom of the pics list. Rather difficult and tedious to do, these plastic shells allow you to remove the tape away from it, and be put back without damaging the original wrapper (one side is open). Go easy though!

Side Note: This tape (#101) of about 46 years, contains an iconic "BAY BLOOR RADIO" marked down $10.00 price sticker on it, from a previous higher price of $16.95 (See #102)! This is literally one of the very last standing Hi-Fi Stores that was open through the 70's (Maybe even earlier) and still "lives" today in Toronto, Canada! My beloved Dad, a welder by trade, helped put together some high-end metal works (Shelving for Hi-Fi equipment, and staircase handrails) back in the late 1990's or early 2000's working for Pengelly Iron Works of North York, for this most iconic Hi-Fi store in Toronto, located at 55 Bay Street (& Bloor Street East). This metallurgic work is still there as far as I know. Bay Bloor Radio, along with Kromer Radio, were some of my favourite Toronto Hi-Fi shops back in the late 80's.

NOTE 2:  #102. Same as #101 but without the "BAY BLOOR RADIO" price sticker.

About Nakamichi:

See Wikipedia:

Nakamichi Corp., Ltd. (株式会社ナカミチKabushiki-Gaisha Nakamichi) is a Japanese consumer electronics brand that originated in Japan and gained a name from the 1970s onwards for innovative and high quality audio cassette decksNakamichi is a subsidiary of Chinese holding company Nimble Holdings.[1]

Nakamichi manufactured electronic devices from its founding in 1948 but only sold them under its name from 1972. It is credited with offering the world's first three-head cassette deck.[2] Since 1999, its product range has included design-oriented home cinema audio systems, sound bars, speakers, headphones, mini Hi-Fi systems, automotive stereo products and video DVD products.

Nakamichi SX - 1978 - US