Teac V-9000 Cassette Deck

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  • Regular price $759.00
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TEAC V-9000 3-Head Cassette Deck with Remote

Serial Number: 90014

For all specifications and manuals for this deck, please go to:

Service: Top Performance 3-Head Cassette Deck. Fully working as intended. Recently serviced and checked for azimuth correction although it’s not mentioned on the technician’s note. Sounding and recording perfectly. Serviced by Klaasson Vintage Audio of Orillia, Ontario, Canada.

Note: The drawback on this deck? Most of the letters on the FF, REW, Stop, Play, and Power are gone. However, compare... you know where. Un-serviced and priced at $998.00, $1,109.00, $1,448.00 and $1,590.00. Once some decent decals for these buttons that have no letters are found, the price will be adjusted. 

Limited Warranty: This deck has a labour only limited warranty of 30 days from the day it arrives at your home. This warranty does expire by July 31, 2025. You will need to cover the shipping of this unit, from your home, to the servicing technician in Orillia, Ontario, L3V3N3, Canada. We will cover the re-shipping of this unit up to $45.00 USD back to you.

Shipping: The Cassette Deck can be shipped to most places in the world. To certain places, Western Union payment is the only method acceptable. Please email us with your inquiries and address. We will find best shipping rate available. Recent shipping of a similar deck to Kentucky state cost $67.00 USD during the (Christmas) peak season. Expect this one to be a bit more as it is rather heavy.

Note: Contrary to what the listing may show at the top of the page, if you are from Canada, taxes will be added according to each Province's tax laws.

Made in Japan