FAKE TDK D - 1992 - JP
OK! Up for bids... 2 FAKE TDK D 1992 Tapes!!! YES! These are the real thing! ;)) These are the real fake TDK cassettes! The 1979 TDK D True Mechanism tapes, although seemingly never catalogued anywhere, they had every last part of it and every last square millimetre of it screaming they were not only 100% real, but were also made in Japan, or at least every part was! However, the controversy about the 1979 TDK TM is still so thick, the air will not clear up anytime soon.
Now... these FAKE 1992 TDK D... well, let's start there! All we need to do is verify, TDK printed the year of issue right up until 1992, but not for these. No date on these.
1 - On the reverse side... "Digital-Ready"... top left corner. When did TDK ever advertise their "D" tapes as Digital Ready?
2 - Still on the reverse side... "Lively reproduction is ensured for pops, rock, disco sounds -- whatever the type of music." Pops?!... the word "whatever" is actually applied!! The rest of the description on this line is also comical at best.
3 - At least up until 2003, probably even after that, TDK always showed on the back of their tapes, they had a "Lifetime Warranty" on them... well, not on these.
4 - Under the "Normal Position" chart "D > AD > AR" they show this tape's "Recorbing Characteristics"... yes! "Recorbing"! Hahahaha!
5 - Still on the lower right side, this tape shows as being "ITEM CODE D-90", which is a line that TDK never used. However, we have recently sold here, a "Yamaha CD" cassette that had a similar line, "Item Code CD-90", and which was also a Fake cassette. Look it up under new our "Archives" collection on the main page.
6 - The print quality on these wrappers is horrible at best, especially on the "TDK" letters and symbol on the front side of the cassette.
7 - The hub is one that I have never spotted on any other tape before.
8 - The plastic wrapper is of very poor quality. The cassette shells are also not the original, but pretty close. Even the print on the cassette shells on the inside seems to be a close reproduction of the original.
9 - The J-card uses a darker shade of Gray... hmm, no pun intended. Anyway, I don't think I've spotted it all. If you do, by all means, let me know and I'll post it here. I'm wonder if I should do a video... Well, this is all written down now anyway. Hope you enjoyed it.
10 - Suddenly just dawned on me... these tapes may have had something to do with that story about two Italian brothers during the late 70's to mid 90's in Napoli, "Mixed by Erry". I'm wondering if who was supplying them with blank cassettes, may have sold them these? It's a heck of a story for us cassette enthusiasts. I loved it! See the link to the YouTube Trailer just below:
Note 1: 90 Mins: ONLY TWO (2) AVAILABLE. I'm pricing them out of this Universe because I've only got these two, and if they prove to be related to the "Mixed by Erry", they would be a real cool item to keep for a while. Please accept my apologies for the ridiculous price. It's still cheaper than a Tesla...
FAKE TDK D - 1992