Daewoo DX - 1993 - SK

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Daewoo DX ~1993 - SK

I'm having trouble dating this cassette. It would be great to get your input to better assess a closer date of production for this SKC manufactured cassette with a nice colourful wrapper.  

Points considered: No UPC bar code. Thin case, which seem to have emerged around ~1991.  Daewoo's bankruptcy and demise in 1997. I am assessing as it having been manufactured ~1993. If you have any information about this cassette and other Daewoo cassettes, kindly let me know and I will share the information with the enthusiasts of Blank Sealed Cassettes here in this site and on the site's Facebook page. Thank you.

Also, these tapes were clearly made with high quality manufacturing standards as they are well finished in every way and much like the Fuji tapes of the early 90's (Fuji was excellent anytime). The tape pancake is cut to the same precision and smoothness of a Fuji tape, hubs, clips and shells are essentially the same. What make these a bit more pricier is their scarcity when compared to Fuji tapes. If I had to guess (haven't opened one up yet), this is basically a Fuji DR-I tape. 

NOTE: There is a very limited stock of these cassettes. Light scuffing present.

About Daewoo:

Began operations in 1967 and closed under bankruptcy in 1997. Want to know more? Click the link below from David Yamamoto: https://members.tripod.com/coach_david/mm105/pg4his-1.html

Daewoo DX - 1993 - SK