Mitsubishi DT-35 3-Head Cassette Deck
Serial number:
For all specifications and manuals, go to:
NOTE: This rare 3-head deck is being sold as a deck to be repaired, or/and for parts. As per the video, it actually plays beautifully, sharp, and clean. It’s a bit sluggish at the start with FF and REW, but it works. It is not recording. It's a deck worth about 3 times as much once repaired.
Shipping: The Cassette Deck can be shipped to most places in the world. To certain places, Western Union payment is the only method acceptable. Please email us with your inquiries and address. We will find best shipping rate available. Recent shipping of a similar deck to Kentucky state cost $67.00 USD during the (Christmas) peak season.
Warranty: No warranty is being offered with this deck.
Note: Contrary to what the listing may show at the top of the page, if you are from Canada, taxes will be added according to each Province's tax laws.
Made in Japan