VISA SuperFerro UFX-I 1985 - US
by ICM, a Swiss manufacturer of Magnetic Tape. "VISA High Tech Turbo". Imported into the USA by Interworld Electronics Inc., of 5601-NW 78th Avenue in Miami, Florida. Pricing information was located in a PDF file in the internet at: (Copy & Paste)
You can find some reference about this tape on page 70 (of 116) from the popular Stereo Review magazine of March 1986. You can verify Interworld was also selling two other Ferric tapes at the time. A High Performance I tape at $0.70 for a C90, and a FDX-I Professional tape at $1.26 also for a C90. It may be fair to estimate that these tapes may have been available since 1984 or 1985... I chose 1985.
The YouTube video posted by Tony Villa relates to the "BOOTS" version of this exact same cassette, same tape and same shell, "ICM were Switzerland's only notable cassette brand. Renowned for their shells and designs, they supplied to many OEMs". Villa goes on to say "This tape has no dropouts and they all record well (referring to all of the ICM same type I OEM tapes)". See his video below!
If you have more info on them, please let me know, so that I may share it here for everyone. Thank you.
Note 1: 90 Minuteso: There are only 15 left... and probably never to be seen around here again, once they are gone. Made in Switzerland.
VISA Superferro UFX-I 90 - High Tech Turbo